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The Power of People: “Everyone Can Help Someone” by Dr. Mariya Davis

"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone." – Ronald Reagan 


These words by Ronald Reagan encapsulate the essence of community and the importance of individual contributions. They serve as a powerful reminder that while we may not have the capacity to assist every person in need, each of us has the ability to impact someone's life positively. 


A Personal Journey 

As a young adult relocating to the United States from Ukraine, I faced numerous challenges. I learned English (my fourth foreign language), evaluated my college and teaching credentials, translated and notarized legal documents, and studied American customs and traditions. My goal was to immerse myself in society without spending too much time on adjustments. However, there was one thing I couldn't bring with me – my people. My family, friends, and others who loved and cared for me remained behind. This experience reinforced my belief that the people in our lives are of utmost importance. The tapestry of human existence is woven with threads that bind us, forming intricate and meaningful patterns. Mentors guide us through career challenges, friends provide emotional support during difficult times, and family members offer a sense of belonging and continuity. Even brief interactions with strangers can leave lasting impressions, potentially altering the course of our day or even our life's trajectory. 


Finding a New Community 

What I love about CEC is the variety of volunteer options it offers, ranging from short-term projects to long-term commitments. This flexibility allows individuals to find roles that fit their interests and availability. Personally, I'm involved in the work of several divisions such as DCDT, DADD, and CEDS, as well as the Yes I Can (YIC) awards committee. 


Volunteering with CEC has provided me with unparalleled opportunities for professional growth, positively impacting my career trajectory: 

  1. Networking: I've connected with like-minded individuals in the field, significantly expanding my professional network. 

  1. Skill Development: Through various opportunities, I've continuously refined my communication, collaboration, and mentorship skills. 

  1. Leadership Experience: Taking on leadership roles with YIC and CEDS has provided numerous avenues for developing and showcasing my leadership capabilities. 

  1. Mentorship: Engaging with early career professionals and helping them navigate career pathways more effectively has led to valuable mentorship relationships within DCDT and increased visibility within the special education community. 

  1. Career Enhancement: These volunteer experiences have become excellent additions to my CV, demonstrating my commitment to the field of special education and my leadership capabilities. 


Beyond the professional benefits, volunteering with CEC has been personally fulfilling and rewarding. By contributing to CEC's mission, I'm positively impacting the lives of exceptional children and helping to shape the future of special education. Pursuing my passion for special education outside of my daily work reinvigorates my appreciation for the field and gives me a strong sense of personal accomplishment. 


A Call to Action 

Don't underestimate the magnitude of one person's impact. Whether through volunteering, mentorship, or simple acts of kindness, our collective efforts can lead to meaningful change in our communities. Step out in faith and see how the tiny "seed" you plant begins to grow to be enjoyed by many. As an Associate Professor of Special Education and the Principal Investigator for the Transition University for Career Advancement and Successful Adulthood (TU CASA) program at Texas A&M University-San Antonio, I remain passionate about serving students with disabilities and their families. My research centers on transition to post-secondary education, employment, and independent living for students with disabilities. In my roles as President Elect for the Council for Educational Diagnostic Services (CEDS), Co-Chair for Yes I Can Awards committee, I continue to witness the profound impact that dedicated individuals can have on the lives of exceptional children. I invite you to join me in this rewarding journey. Together, we can make a difference – “everyone can help someone”. 


Photo of Dr. Mariya Davis

Dr. Mariya Davis is an Associate Professor of Special Education and the Principal Investigator for the Transition University for Career Advancement and Successful Adulthood (TU CASA) program at Texas A&M University-San Antonio. A former classroom teacher and an educational diagnostician, Dr. Davis is passionate about serving students with disabilities and their families. Her research centers on transition to post-secondary education, employment, and independent living for students with disabilities. Dr. Davis is President Elect for the Council for Educational Diagnostic Services (CEDS), Co-Chair for Yes I Can Awards committee, and Past President for Texas DCDT. 



Posted:  22 November, 2024

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