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Publications and Journals

Books on a table

The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) offers a wide range of publications to meet the needs of our members and other stakeholders in the special education profession.

CEC publishes two highly rated journals:
TEC cover
TEACHING Exceptional Children (TEC) is CEC's six-times-per-year, research-to-practice journal featuring innovative, successful methods and materials based on current evidence-based practice for use in the classroom and other educational settings. TEC also includes columns from CEC leaders, CEC Division leaders, and content experts. Login to Access TEC
Cover of Exceptional Children

Exceptional Children (EC) is the CEC quarterly research journal that publishes insightful and pioneering original research that focuses on children with exceptionalities.

Login to Access EC



Hundreds of books and other resources are available in the CEC Store. Remember, CEC members get a special discount on all publications! 

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CEC Publications


Publishing with CEC

CEC invites members and stakeholders to submit proposals to publish books. If you’re interested in publishing a book with CEC, fill out the CEC Book Proposal Form.

We also invite you to publish articles in EC or publish articles in TEC.

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