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Central Institute for the Deaf

Central Institute for the Deaf
Business Information

825 S Taylor Ave  St. Louis, MO 63110

[email protected]  

CID’s mission is to teach children who are deaf and hard of hearing to listen, talk, read and succeed. We empower families and professionals in St. Louis and worldwide to help children reach their fullest potential. We aim to help you learn new strategies, teach students effectively and lead your team to new heights.

If you have a role working with children from birth to age 12 with hearing loss, you’ve come to the right place. CID has been developing research-based, classroom-trialed practices and educational curricula and tools since the founding of our school and teacher training program in 1914. The CID Emerson Center for Professional Development supports a variety of professionals including:

  • teachers of the deaf
  • special education / itinerant teachers
  • general education teachers
  • speech-language pathologists
  • auditory-verbal therapists
  • pediatric audiologists
  • early intervention providers
  • program administrators
  • college professors

Our materials cover various stages of child development, from infant to school-aged, and are easy to use as children progress in their skills. We also offer workshops, consultations and in-services for teachers, SLPs and other professionals who would like training on listening and spoken language strategies.

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CID online learning courses are a convenient way to access the relevant information you need to improve outcomes for children with hearing loss. Courses include input from subject matter experts conveyed in engaging formats.


We’re proud to offer the courses to you for FREE and on-demand. If you require continuing education credit and/or a certificate of completion, a small CID processing fee will apply: $19 for a continuing education credit with certificate or $5 for a certificate only.


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Get unlimited free access to diagrams, checklists and templates designed to help parents, supporters and teachers of the deaf to understand hearing loss, assess skills and improve listening and language techniques.


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The CID Teacher Assessment of Grammatical Structures (TAGS) is a series of three rating forms developed to evaluate a child’s understanding and use of the grammatical structures of English. The rating forms provide a representation of grammatical structures for children with hearing loss who develop grammatical structures in smaller increments and at slower rates compared to children who are typically developing.


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The CID Preschool Language Pack is a thoughtfully developed, classroom-trialed collection of assessment forms designed for use by teachers to track development in the key subcategories of language, including vocabulary, syntax, pragmatic language and language related to play. It includes all functional assessments necessary to accurately:

  • assess a child’s present level of language ability
  • determine goals for IEPs and lessons
  • monitor language progress
  • report to parents and professionals

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Our blog is dedicated to you, the professional supporting a child with hearing loss. Here you will find a wealth of informative listening and spoken language topics, along with recommendations you can apply to your students. Whether you’re a speech-language pathologist, teacher of the deaf, early interventionist or audiologist, or if you simply have a professional interest in supporting children who are deaf and hard of hearing, you’ve come to the right place for insights you can apply in your own setting.


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A fully illustrated, detailed copy of the classic audiogram.


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Consider this list of potential IEP accommodations for your student with hearing loss.


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As part of our commitment to serve professionals who support children who are deaf and hard of hearing, we provide curricula and tools, free resources, free online courses and workshops. Visit our website to access these resources and learn more ways to support your student in the areas of auditory development, speech and language, school-aged and preschool resources and much more!

Featured Videos

SPICE is perfect for teachers of the deaf and SLPs looking for a curriculum for auditory skill development. It is designed to help you evaluate a student’s speech perception abilities, plan auditory skills instruction, measure and record student progress and report to parents and other professionals. Visit to purchase the full kit!


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CID SPICE for Life 2 is an auditory learning curriculum designed for students who have developed foundational auditory skills, such as those covered in the CID SPICE, and are now ready to work on carrying over these skills to real-world listening conditions.


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Information provided in the online directory on this website is intended to provide a guide to businesses, organizations, and resources that support the special education community. The Council for Exceptional Children or any of its employees neither endorse, warrant, nor guarantee the products or services advertised in the directory.  The information provided in each listing on this website is published as obtained from external sources that provide the information.

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