Diana Parafiniuk
Diana Parafiniuk, M.S., CCC-SLP, founded E-Therapy in 2009 after finding herself driving hundreds of miles per week. She knew there must be a better way to deliver speech therapy to students and schools. Today, E-Therapy is an established market leader, known for providing the highest quality services and reaching students and schools across the United States. As E-Therapy's Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer, Diana is a seasoned and nationally recognized business leader in the teletherapy market. She received the prestigious Women's Achievers Award awarded from the Arizona Capitol Times for women who excel in businesses advancing communities and making a difference in people's lives.
March 18, 2021
2021 is here and we can use all the resources available to help reset our minds and go into 2021 with a revived attitude and presence. Here are some great ideas to help your staff and students take a break from the mundane day-to-day tasks and start to enjoy life again.
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Teletherapy: Then vs. Now
Times have changed, and so has the demand for how we use technology to connect with others.
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Practical Tips For Setting Student IEP Goals
Your student’s road to success will be directed by your daily instruction based on your IEP goals. Here are some thoughtful and helpful tips to move forward with drafting an IEP.
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6 Hacks for Connecting With Students From a Distance
While online learning can seem daunting at first, there are many simple and inspirational things we can do to create a deeper connection and bring a powerful sense of joy to our remote learning and therapy sessions. Here is an easy to follow guide for your toolbox that I call the “6 Hacks for Distance Therapy Success”.
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How to Create the Best IEP and IEP Results…Even from a Distance
As someone who has spent her career delivering speech therapy to students and schools online, here are some tips based on my experiences to ensure that you and your IEP team are able to keep IEP meetings productive, positive, and consistent during this inconsistent time.
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